Belly Laughs By Jenny Mccarthy Pdf Reader

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  1. Belly Laughs By Jenny Mccarthy Pdf Reader Download

Oh, the joys of pregnancy! There's the gassiness, constipation, queasiness, and exhaustion, the forgetfulness, crankiness, and the constant worry.


Of course, no woman is spared the discomforts and humiliations of pregnancy, but most are too polite to complain or too embarrassed to talk about them. Not Jenny McCarthy! In the New York Times best-selling Belly Laughs, actress and new mot Oh, the joys of pregnancy!

There's the gassiness, constipation, queasiness, and exhaustion, the forgetfulness, crankiness, and the constant worry. Of course, no woman is spared the discomforts and humiliations of pregnancy, but most are too polite to complain or too embarrassed to talk about them. Not Jenny McCarthy! In the New York Times best-selling Belly Laughs, actress and new mother Jenny McCarthy reveals the naked truth about the tremendous joys, the excruciating pains, and the unseemly disfigurement that go along with pregnancy. Never shy, frequently crude, and always laugh-out-loud funny, McCarthy covers it all in the grittiest of girlfriend detail.

From morning sickness and hormonal rage, to hemorrhoids, pregnant sex, and the torture and sweet relief that is delivery, Belly Laughs is must-read comic relief for anyone who is pregnant, who has ever been pregnant, is trying to get pregnant, or, indeed, has ever been born! Another book I wish I could give less than one star. McCarthy shows herself to be unintelligent and unenlightened as she spreads fear, panic, and gross misinformation to any pregnant woman who might be unlucky enough to read this book. I know she is trying to be funny, but to anyone capable of complex thought, she's just a dull hack. And her constant self derision, making herself out to be a 'crazy pregnant woman' as she wrote about her husband's rude treatment of her, was just pitiful. No shock Another book I wish I could give less than one star.

McCarthy shows herself to be unintelligent and unenlightened as she spreads fear, panic, and gross misinformation to any pregnant woman who might be unlucky enough to read this book. I know she is trying to be funny, but to anyone capable of complex thought, she's just a dull hack. And her constant self derision, making herself out to be a 'crazy pregnant woman' as she wrote about her husband's rude treatment of her, was just pitiful. No shocker that she is now divorced from him.Someone gave me this book, and I still don't know why. Anyone who knows me even remotely should be able to guess I would hate it.There have been a handful of books in my life that come into my possession and leave me wondering 'What the hell am I going to DO with this?' I don't want to leave it on my shelf, because it's not worthy of taking up precious space.

I don't want to give it away because I can't bear the thought of being responsible for someone else reading such crap. And I don't want to toss it in the fire just because I am inherently opposed to burning books. Belly Laughs is one of those books. I suppose one day I may get a kitten and it will need litter box fodder. I received this book as a present from a friend.

Her words were, 'If you can't trust advice from a playmate, who can you trust?' 'Belly Laughs' is probably selling copies around the country because Jenny McCarthy has turned her foul mouth and crude observations on her pregnancy symptoms. The descriptions are wince-able at times, but not all together unamusing. The sheer abundance of massive body changes in pregnancy is fodder for the author to compare private parts with food and over- I received this book as a present from a friend. Her words were, 'If you can't trust advice from a playmate, who can you trust?'

'Belly Laughs' is probably selling copies around the country because Jenny McCarthy has turned her foul mouth and crude observations on her pregnancy symptoms. The descriptions are wince-able at times, but not all together unamusing.

The sheer abundance of massive body changes in pregnancy is fodder for the author to compare private parts with food and over-active bodily functions with the animal kingdom.One thing she did - if only very briefly - was correctly identify the feeling of your body being hijacked and what that does to your self-image. Not that I feel sorry for a celebrity, but I am 100% grateful that my entire self-worth is not based on how I look.The other thing I liked was the final chapter about the birth of her son. She really conveys the fear and drama of labor. She also described the emergency c-section she ended up having and how scared she felt when things didn't go smooth the whole way.On the whole, the book is written like a 15-year-old's diary. But I'll read anything about being pregnant if it's delivered to my door these days.

Which in itself must be a pregnancy symptom of indulging in terrible literature.Materna-libritis? The only word I can really think of to describe this book is cute. It's not so much an educational book on pregnancy as it is a book to tell you that you're not alone.

It was refreshingly (and humorously) honest, and totally bang on in a lot of areas. I had many 'YES!' Moments when she'd describe a symptom or emotion that I'd been feeling, but wasn't sure was normal.The writing isn't spectacular, but I don't think that's the point.

It's written in a conversational way that makes you The only word I can really think of to describe this book is cute. It's not so much an educational book on pregnancy as it is a book to tell you that you're not alone. It was refreshingly (and humorously) honest, and totally bang on in a lot of areas. I had many 'YES!' Moments when she'd describe a symptom or emotion that I'd been feeling, but wasn't sure was normal.The writing isn't spectacular, but I don't think that's the point. It's written in a conversational way that makes you feel like you're chatting with a girl friend over drinks, and you almost forget that you're reading.It's an easy, short read that can be finished in one quick sitting, and for any one who, like me, is waiting for the 'magic' of pregnancy to kick in (you know, like those women who loooooved being pregnant.???) it's reassuring to see that you're not the only one struggling a little. Even for someone with the money and time for personal trainers and stylists and gym memberships, pregnancy wasn't always the miracle happy time that we're often led to believe that it is.

If the weight gain and exhaustion and emotions and self consciousness get the better of even a former Playmate, there may be hope for me yet.I really recommend this to all women who are expecting or who are TTC. She's crass, super blunt and she doesn't hold back. This book certainly isn't for the more conservative crowd. She tells it like it is, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. This book is written by McCarthy, not a studied author, in a conversational tone.

It is meant to be a frank discussion about her pregnancy experience and it succeeds in being such. It is not a researched textbook of pregnancy and doesn't claim to be.I found many negative reviews of this short memoir that I thought were quite unfair. McCarthy's stories are enjoyable because of the aforementioned tone being so different from the majority of pregnancy books. Also, she is characteristically willing This book is written by McCarthy, not a studied author, in a conversational tone. It is meant to be a frank discussion about her pregnancy experience and it succeeds in being such. It is not a researched textbook of pregnancy and doesn't claim to be.I found many negative reviews of this short memoir that I thought were quite unfair. McCarthy's stories are enjoyable because of the aforementioned tone being so different from the majority of pregnancy books.

Also, she is characteristically willing to discuss topics that most people/books will not (i.e. Defecating on the delivery table). She delves into her actual emotions over her various pregnancy symptoms, another thing not found in your typical pregnancy book.Admittedly, reading this after McCarthy's divorce, one really notices how much of a jerk her then husband was to her; it does distract the reader from the light heartedness intended by the writing style. She does not seem to intentionally make her husband out to be a villain.

Indeed she blames herself, claiming pregnancy induced mood swings, for all of his poor behavior. I am glad that she opened her eyes later in life and divorced this man.Reading non-fiction some years after it is written always changes how the text is received. One sees the past McCarthy's uncaring for natural foods and lifestyle.

She is now very health conscious, largely due to her son's medical issues in childhood. I honestly do not think she would make the same birth nor feeding choices were she to have another child. Although I do feel the need to mention a woman's right to choose epidurals, formula feeding, or anything else that woman feels is right for HER body and HER family, even if they are not the same choices I would make.All in all, I loved this book. It was funny and frank, everything I expect and enjoy Jenny McCarthy to be. The comedy style is typical of McCarthy humor.

If you aren't familiar with her, I would describe comedy as geared towards a young adult audience, 'potty humor.' Not for everyone.Don't give this book to someone unless you know they enjoy this kind of humor and such casual writing. Otherwise, it's going to receive continued bashing from an audience it wasn't intended for (Like your finishing school headmaster or your English lit. Major roomie).Loved it, recommend it.

This New York Times best seller is just that for very good reason. Belly Laughs, subtitled: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth - is to true to it's title.Jenny McCarthy, former playboy playmate (which she now regrets doing after seeing her husband drool over playmates on television while sitting next to her now gargantuan frame) and co-star of the MTV show 'Singled Out' from the mid-90's, truly does tell you the naked truth. Out of the many pregnancy books this definitel This New York Times best seller is just that for very good reason. Belly Laughs, subtitled: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth - is to true to it's title.Jenny McCarthy, former playboy playmate (which she now regrets doing after seeing her husband drool over playmates on television while sitting next to her now gargantuan frame) and co-star of the MTV show 'Singled Out' from the mid-90's, truly does tell you the naked truth. Out of the many pregnancy books this definitely tops my list of recommendations.For those of you who are not familiar with Jenny McCarthy she is a wild, upfront, and more than often insulting woman who thinks that all to often she comes off as the stereotypical blond (as she will make reference to that many times over.)I've never really considered myself a fan of this womans, as a matter of fact I picked this out without ever realizing who had written it.

Reading it however gave me a newfound appreciation for this loud-mouthed, formerly obnoxious (to me at least) woman.McCarthy takes you through many of the moments and fears during her own pregnancy. This book was a very shallow book, I felt. Yes, it deals with some of the more embarrassing and less beautiful sides of pregnancy, but I also felt that it exaggerated them. I liked that Jenny was all about the comfort zone, it's important to embrace pregnancy and give in to the gear because it's COMFORTABLE though not the sexiest thing you've ever worn.

I was unhappy with some of her choices and some of her attitudes about labor & delivery & breastfeeding. I do believe that if Jenny were This book was a very shallow book, I felt. Yes, it deals with some of the more embarrassing and less beautiful sides of pregnancy, but I also felt that it exaggerated them. I liked that Jenny was all about the comfort zone, it's important to embrace pregnancy and give in to the gear because it's COMFORTABLE though not the sexiest thing you've ever worn. I was unhappy with some of her choices and some of her attitudes about labor & delivery & breastfeeding. I do believe that if Jenny were to go back and write this book over, it would be very different today.

Her son ended up being Autistic, and she is now an advocate of natural foods, etc. I do believe she has changed since this book. It's a very light, easy read.big words (by this I am referring to the typeface, not the intellectual level!).not really words of wisdom, however. I read this over two years ago and it still makes me angry to think about.I get that it's supposed to be lighthearted and funny, and apparently it is for many individuals. However if you are like me and find yourself pregnant and desperately ignorant of what pregnancy entails, this is NOT the book for you. It tries to take the negative aspects of pregnancy and make them humorous, but I was horrified.

I could not sleep at night because I was waiting for all these mortifying I read this over two years ago and it still makes me angry to think about.I get that it's supposed to be lighthearted and funny, and apparently it is for many individuals. However if you are like me and find yourself pregnant and desperately ignorant of what pregnancy entails, this is NOT the book for you. It tries to take the negative aspects of pregnancy and make them humorous, but I was horrified.

I could not sleep at night because I was waiting for all these mortifying things to happen to me.If you are seeking practical advice, look elsewhere. If you are on your second or third pregnancy, or if you are completely unaffected by hearing other people's pregnancy horror stories, by all means pick up a copy of Belly Laughs. For me, personally, never opening this book would have been a blessing. I worried needlessly about all kinds of things I never ended up experiencing. No two pregnancies are the same and you are better off talking to your doctor or reading something with substantial research behind it. I am not one for self-help books about pregnancy or weddings, which are positive things in life. These are not traumatic events for which one needs therapy or guidance.

These are just egocentric at best.I don't need a book to help me 'get through' my wedding. Who needs a book to prepare for gifts that appear at your door like Christmas on steroids or a princess gown and cameras snapping only at you as 300 of your closest friends and family come to praise you and watch you eat a piece of cake. I am not one for self-help books about pregnancy or weddings, which are positive things in life. These are not traumatic events for which one needs therapy or guidance. These are just egocentric at best.I don't need a book to help me 'get through' my wedding. Who needs a book to prepare for gifts that appear at your door like Christmas on steroids or a princess gown and cameras snapping only at you as 300 of your closest friends and family come to praise you and watch you eat a piece of cake.yea.

Not exactly a traumatizing event in the tragic sense of the word.Now, trading stories about pregnancy.dishing the 'real' details of the event and what to REALLY expect (I don't need to be told what a beautiful time in my life this will be. I wanted to do this, so I obviously already understand that part). I want the grit and the dark and the unexpected. And I want to laugh about it, because, damn it, it's funny.Jenny McCarthy must be a mad genius. Is she the next Faulkner of crafting sentences? Is she the most eloquent explorer of life's complexities and mysteries? Is she the world's Stephen Hawking of pregnant philosophy?

But she offers a hilarious, light-hearted, and realistic understanding of the process and product of pregnancy.Just listen to the titles of some of the chapters:Die Model Die (Hating Skinny People) - she laments having been a pretty playmate. Had she known how playmates make pregnant women feel, she would have been the 'fattest, hairest playmate of all time.' Pig in the Pasture - sex when you're the size of a pigPoopin' on the Table (The Dark Side of Delivery) - self-explanatoryI was laughing and taking mental notes. She entertained me while enlightening me on a few details that it are nice to know, such as 4-1-1 which means a contraction every 4 minutes that lasts 1 minute in length for 1 hour. This means you should go to the hospital.

Until then, take a shower or give yourself an enema to avoid the last mentioned chapter.I learned this much more effectively than in a textbook style, flowers and butterflies book.This is the only book I will recommend to other pregnant women in the future. Until, perhaps, David Sedaris writes one. In regards to having a baby, Jenny McCarthy says, 'If I can do it, ANYONE can!' Um, Jenny, I think you mean this about writing a book.I agree with the other reviewers who said this book isn't funny.

Only one little part even brought a smile to my face, and it's not like I didn't want to laugh. Also, the subtitle should be The Naked Truth About My Pregnancy and Childbirth Experience because of the wide variations in experiences among women. It really is largely negative, immature, and annoying ho In regards to having a baby, Jenny McCarthy says, 'If I can do it, ANYONE can!'

Um, Jenny, I think you mean this about writing a book.I agree with the other reviewers who said this book isn't funny. Only one little part even brought a smile to my face, and it's not like I didn't want to laugh. Also, the subtitle should be The Naked Truth About My Pregnancy and Childbirth Experience because of the wide variations in experiences among women.

It really is largely negative, immature, and annoying how often she talks about being a celebrity, but it only took a couple hours to read. This is not a book I would've bought, but checked it out at the library out of curiosity. It felt like reading a magazine article by someone who is not a professional writer, and I'm surprised it was ever published. I thought this book would be funnier than it was.

I picked it up to read something lighter than the pregnancy books I've been swimming in recently. It wasn't really that funny. And I didn't necessarily like the slant against anything natural in childbirth.

It is sad that Jenny is so anti-breastfeeding. It is sad that she is so against natural birth. It really didn't surprise me to read that her labor ended in a c-section with the way she went about things. You could really see that one coming. I I thought this book would be funnier than it was.

I picked it up to read something lighter than the pregnancy books I've been swimming in recently. It wasn't really that funny. And I didn't necessarily like the slant against anything natural in childbirth. It is sad that Jenny is so anti-breastfeeding. It is sad that she is so against natural birth. It really didn't surprise me to read that her labor ended in a c-section with the way she went about things.

You could really see that one coming. I think there are better pregnancy books out there.

I don't think any of this was 'something other women won't tell you' because I've had conversations about each of the taboo topics with real people. It is a good portrait of the typical American pregnancy and birth experience, but there is really nothing funny about that.

It is just sad. The rumors are true.


Read this book and you will find yourself laughing out loud. Jenny delivers the story of her pregnancy in a warm-hearted, spirited manner that is simply irresistible. You'll finish it in a day and close the book feeling informed about all of the stuff 'they' never tell you about before you get pregnant.There may be more in-depth books out there about what to expect when you're pregnant, but none of them do it with such flair. If you're expecting, read it.

If you have a frie The rumors are true. Read this book and you will find yourself laughing out loud. Jenny delivers the story of her pregnancy in a warm-hearted, spirited manner that is simply irresistible. You'll finish it in a day and close the book feeling informed about all of the stuff 'they' never tell you about before you get pregnant.There may be more in-depth books out there about what to expect when you're pregnant, but none of them do it with such flair. If you're expecting, read it. If you have a friend who is pregnant, go ahead and buy it for her.

It's a must-read for the 'bump' set. This book was recommended to me by a coworker after we had a frank conversation about some of the less-discussed brutal or confusing pregnancy symptoms I was experiencing.

The coworker told me she howled with laughter while reading, to the point where her husband wondered if she was ok from the other room. I’m not sure I ever laughed out loud at all because I was so busy thinking about how I could write this book a million times better and being bitter that Jenny McCarthy can write, publish, and This book was recommended to me by a coworker after we had a frank conversation about some of the less-discussed brutal or confusing pregnancy symptoms I was experiencing. The coworker told me she howled with laughter while reading, to the point where her husband wondered if she was ok from the other room. I read Belly Laughs in two sittings. It was lent to me by my cousin, and at first I was a little apprehensive because of some of McCarthy's more controversial views but I gave it a try. Luckily Belly Laughs is mostly about the weird (and often gross-ish) things your body can go through when you're expecting and it's light on any pressing topics, if they come up at all.

I didn't take this as an advice or help book, she's not an expert and says so from chapter one. Take this at face value, it's a I read Belly Laughs in two sittings. It was lent to me by my cousin, and at first I was a little apprehensive because of some of McCarthy's more controversial views but I gave it a try. Luckily Belly Laughs is mostly about the weird (and often gross-ish) things your body can go through when you're expecting and it's light on any pressing topics, if they come up at all.

Belly Laughs By Jenny Mccarthy Pdf Reader Download

I didn't take this as an advice or help book, she's not an expert and says so from chapter one. Take this at face value, it's a book for pregnant women to read so that they don't feel so alone or abnormal when their body is going through changes no one warned them about.DISCLAIMER: I'm a pretty gross TMI-type of individual myself so I respected Jenny McCarthy for giving us all the gross details and mostly enjoyed it. This book is probably not for the faint of heart!! If you'd rather not talk/read about bodily functions. You should probably pass.What I didn't like about the book was her mentioning her (growing) number on the scale. It's fine to talk about how your body gets bigger and even to mention how many lbs you put on during pregnancy, but I felt she was being insensitive to readers who are larger than her. I didn't feel it was necessary for her to put her 'big' number out there especially when the average American woman is probably closer to her 'big' number than her 'normal' number.

I guess it was to make skinny readers feel better about their 'big' number, but you're leaving out a really large portion of your audience by doing that. Her husband also annoyed me, but that did not affect my scoring of the book. I picked this book up at the library (at least I didn't waste money on it!), thinking it would be nice to have a laugh in my 37th week of pregnancy.

The only thing this book accomplished was making me hate Jenny McCarthy, her husband, and her team of 'doctors'. Luckily this is my 4th pregnancy so I'm pretty well versed in birthing babies, but I feel sorry for those first time moms who pick up this book.

It's filled with worst-case scenarios, bad decisions, bad advice, fear, and complai Terrible. I picked this book up at the library (at least I didn't waste money on it!), thinking it would be nice to have a laugh in my 37th week of pregnancy. The only thing this book accomplished was making me hate Jenny McCarthy, her husband, and her team of 'doctors'. Luckily this is my 4th pregnancy so I'm pretty well versed in birthing babies, but I feel sorry for those first time moms who pick up this book. It's filled with worst-case scenarios, bad decisions, bad advice, fear, and complaining. Not funny, not empowering, and definitely not helpful for the pregnant crowd. Now excuse me while I go read something by Ina May.

Overall, this book was a hilarious, light-hearted, and fun read! Some aspects were very relatable! There were a few chapters, however, that as a Catholic/Christian, I believe are quite immoral and advice given in the book that is equally so. Not only this, but she mentions her Catholic Faith in the book, which is very misleading to Catholics and non-Catholic Christians alike that might not know Christ’s teachings on these things. Between that and the gratuitous swearing, I cannot give the book 5 Overall, this book was a hilarious, light-hearted, and fun read! Some aspects were very relatable! There were a few chapters, however, that as a Catholic/Christian, I believe are quite immoral and advice given in the book that is equally so.

Belly laughs by jenny mccarthy pdf reader download

Not only this, but she mentions her Catholic Faith in the book, which is very misleading to Catholics and non-Catholic Christians alike that might not know Christ’s teachings on these things. Between that and the gratuitous swearing, I cannot give the book 5 stars.