Nicelabel Serial Killers

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Photo credit:On several occasions throughout the last decades, Blondie frontwoman Debbie Harry claimed that she narrowly evaded one of America’s most notorious serial killers—.She first told the story in 1989. It happened in the early ’70s somewhere in the Village in New York. It was late at night, and Debbie was walking, trying to find a cab. She was being followed by a guy in a small car who kept insisting on giving her a ride. Since she couldn’t find a taxi, she eventually relented.As soon as she got in, Debbie realized something was wrong.

The car was stripped out and had no handles on the inside. The driver began to pull away, but Debbie managed to get her arm through the half-cracked window, grab the outside handle, open the door, and jump out.Much later, she saw the same man on the news and realized that she was almost abducted by Ted Bundy.Could Debbie’s story be true? It’s impossible to say with certainty but unlikely. Based on what we know about Bundy’s movements, he should have been somewhere in the Pacific Northwest at the time. It doesn’t look like he ever went to New York City.

Furthermore, Bundy was never known to drive a special “ vehicle,” preferring a standard Volkswagen Beetle.9 Digging Up H.H. Photo viaDuring summer 2017, the History Channel launched a new TV show named American Ripper. It investigated the possibility that notorious 19th-century American serial killer could have also been Jack the Ripper and was hosted by Holmes’s great-great-grandson Jeff Mudgett. While the link between the two murderers is incredibly tenuous, the show did put to rest the 100-year-old rumor that Holmes somehow bribed his way to freedom and escaped to South America.It’s unknown when or where the rumor started, but perhaps it stemmed from the killer’s odd request. Holmes asked to be buried in a “double-deep coffin” covered in cement.

He wanted to prevent other people from desecrating his body the way he did to many of his victims.About 120 years later, a judge approved the exhumation of Holmes’s cement tomb at the behest of his descendants. The TV show sparked renewed interest in the case, including the rumor of his escape, and saved the analysis of the body for the season finale.

University of Pennsylvania anthropologist Samantha Cox performed the examination of the remains and concluded that they belonged to H.H. Holmes.The unique burial preserved the killer’s body in interesting conditions. While the corpse had decayed beyond the point of usable DNA, his clothes and mustache were almost perfectly preserved. Identification was done using Holmes’s.

Photo credit:When you stand accused of six murders, you typically become the of the family. That’s not necessarily the case for Vayron Jonathan Nakada Ludena, a Peruvian migrant worker who allegedly killed six people in a string of home invasions in Kumagaya, Japan. That’s because his big brother is considered the most prolific serial killer in the history of Peru.Between 2000 and 2006, Pedro Pablo Nakada Ludena killed 25 people and became known as “El Apostol de la Muerte.” He walked the streets of Lima and waited for God to tell him which people to kill, usually targeting prostitutes, drug addicts, and homosexuals. He was eventually convicted of 17 murders and sentenced to 35 years in prison.Around the same time, several of his siblings, Vayron included, managed to migrate to Japan for work.

According to their sister, Maria Espejo, Vayron was very disturbed to find out about his brother’s crimes. After Vayron went back to Peru to visit Pedro in prison, she said that Vayron returned a different man. He became a recluse, hardly ate anything, and complained of everybody being angry with him. Eventually, she lost contact with him.A decade later, Vayron Ludena was the prime suspect behind a three-day killing spree in Saitama Prefecture.

He subsequently suffered a fractured skull after a second-story fall while being pursued by police and tried to commit suicide. The family claimed that both brothers suffer from paranoid.

7 Light-Heavyweight Champion And Serial Killer? Photo credit:Throughout the early 1960s, London was plagued by a series of prostitute killings known as the Hammersmith nude murders. Since all the victims were found naked, the media dubbed the killer.A few dozen people were named as suspects in the killings, including a Met detective, a police superintendent, and a security guard named Mungo Ireland. But the most intriguing suspect is former boxing world light-heavyweight champion Freddie Mills.The accusation comes mainly from reformed gangster Jimmy Tippet. He is a former member of London’s underworld, and his father was a boxer well-acquainted with Mills. Therefore, Tippet claims to have interviewed many knowledgeable sources who were aware of Freddie’s penchant for inflicting pain inside and outside the ring.

However, none of them said anything on the record.The belief in Mills’s possible involvement was spurred on by his suicide in 1965 which, perhaps coincidentally, happened a few months after the last Hammersmith murder. Since then, many theories have arisen which allegedly explained his death. One said that Mills was actually murdered by gangsters over unpaid debts. Another said that the former boxer was actually bisexual and was depressed over the death of his lover, British crooner Michael Holliday.According to Tippet, Mills killed himself because he knew that he was about to be arrested for the. The detective in charge of the suicide, Nipper Read, dismissed Freddie Mills as a candidate. Read said that any possible confusion could have arisen from the fact that the police’s main suspect at that time was also a former boxer in his forties who committed suicide in 1965—the aforementioned Mungo Ireland. Photo credit:Notorious inmates pose a problem for prison officials because they have to deal with increased scrutiny from the outside world and, at the same time, protect these from other inmates who might want to harm them.In 1994, New York supermax prison Attica Correctional Facility had two infamous “residents” who didn’t get along—serial killer Joel Rifkin and mass murderer Colin Ferguson.

Rifkin killed up to 17 women, most of them prostitutes, and Ferguson was responsible for the 1993 Long Island Railroad shooting which left six people dead and almost 20 injured.The argument between the two inmates started for a silly reason. Ferguson got angry that Rifkin wouldn’t be quiet while Ferguson was using the telephone. From there, the altercation diverged into bragging about their crimes.Ferguson taunted Rifkin for only targeting women while he “wiped out six devils.” Meanwhile, Rifkin asserted that his kill count was much higher. From this point, the argument escalated into a fight when Ferguson attacked Rifkin. Neither inmate was seriously injured.A similar instance happened two decades earlier when California killers Ed Kemper and Herbert Mullin shared adjoining cells.

There were no physical altercations because Kemper towered over the diminutive Mullin, but “” Kemper did describe instances of conducting experiments such as behavior modification treatment on Mullin.5 From Hero To Homicide. Photo credit:In 1991, Tracy Edwards helped authorities capture one of the most infamous serial killers in US history. Edwards was walking the streets of Milwaukee half-naked and handcuffed after managing to the house of Jeffrey Dahmer.Afterward, Edwards took police to Dahmer’s apartment.

That is where the latter raped, killed, dismembered, and ate 16 victims over a four-year period. Edwards’s story made front-page news all across the country, and he was hailed as a hero for helping to stop the murderous reign of the Milwaukee Cannibal. Two decades later, though, Edwards was arrested and charged with homicide.Unsurprisingly, the Dahmer experience changed his life forever. Since then, Edwards has had several drug-related run-ins with the law and has moved around from one homeless shelter to another for at least a decade.

Edwards hit rock bottom in 2011 when he was accused of throwing a man off a bridge to his death.Police later determined that Edwards was involved in a fight with two other men. One of them fell off a bridge and drowned. In the end, the other person was charged with reckless endangerment while Edwards was sentenced to just one-and-a-half years in prison for aiding a felon. Photo credit:The Belanglo State Forest in New South Wales, Australia, served as Ivan Milat’s killing in the early ’90s. Over four years, Milat shot, stabbed, strangled, and bludgeoned at least seven backpackers, most of them foreigners visiting Australia. He was apprehended in 1994 and is currently serving multiple life sentences.In 2012, his great-nephew Matthew Milat stood accused of a crime which had the cold brutality of his uncle. Matthew and his friend Cohen Klein killed 17-year-old David Auchterlonie on his birthday by striking him in the head with an axe and recording the on a mobile phone.The teenagers lured David to the Belanglo State Forest, the same place where Ivan Milat preyed on backpackers two decades earlier.

Matthew Milat, who was also 17 at the time, committed the murder while Klein filmed, and the pair later posed for pictures with the body.According to Judge Jane Mathews, Milat later gloated about the kill by writing poems and, at one point, saying, “That’s what the Milats do.” Milat and Klein were subsequently sentenced to 43 and 32 years in prison, respectively. 3 The Trial From Hell. Photo credit:The trial of, the killer known as the Night Stalker, became almost as notorious as his killing spree. He was known for performances meant to draw the spotlight on him such as screaming “Hail Satan,” drawing pentagrams on his hands, or smiling and waving at relatives of the victims.At one point, there was a genuine concern that Ramirez could shoot the during courtroom proceedings and then turn the gun on the crowd. Jail employees overheard him bragging about having friends who could sneak a weapon to him. Subsequently, a metal detector was installed outside the courtroom and all participants were searched before entering.In the end, the trial cost over $1.8 million, making it the most expensive one in California history until the O.J. Simpson trial in 1994.

And yet, it could have been even costlier since it almost resulted in a mistrial after the murder of a juror.Her name was Phyllis Singletary, and her death came shortly after the threats made against the prosecutor. The other jurors couldn’t help but fear that Ramirez was, somehow, behind this and that they were also in danger. Even though they weren’t sequestered, some of the jurors were too frightened to return to their homes at night.In the end, it was revealed that Singletary’s murder had no connection to Ramirez. She was killed by her partner, James Cecil Melton, following a domestic dispute. Later, he killed himself in a hotel room and admitted to her murder in his suicide note. Photo viaDuring summer 1981, 21-year-old Chris Clarke met his mother’s new boyfriend, Ray Constantine. Little did Chris know back then that this was, in fact, the of Stephen Morin, a notorious serial killer who murdered up to 30 women throughout the United States.At first, Chris was apprehensive of the new man in his mother’s life due to her bad taste in men.

However, Ray managed to win him over by getting Chris a union job with a painting crew. The two of them worked alongside each other all summer, and on one occasion, Ray even Chris’s life.This happened when Chris was up a three-story ladder which began sliding off the house, causing him to freeze with fear.

Seeing this from the yard, Ray sprinted to the third floor and hung out the window. First, he talked Chris out of his panic and convinced him to slam the ladder back into place. Then Ray tied it securely to the window frame.As the bond between them grew, Chris thought nothing about lending a helping hand one day when he swung by his mother’s house. Ray was inside her van, using rivets to attach carpets to the walls and ceiling of the vehicle. Only later did Chris realize that he helped soundproof a van so that a sadistic killer could rape and torture women inside it. 1 Undone By Technology. Photo credit:Wichita serial killer (aka BTK) was famously apprehended after sending a floppy disk to the media, not knowing it could be traced back to him.

However, he wasn’t the first murderer caught because he wasn’t good with computers. A similar thing happened three years earlier to Missouri killer Maury Travis who claimed to have murdered 17 women.Like Rader, Travis wanted attention from the media. In May 2002, the St.

Louis Post-Dispatch ran a sympathetic story on Teresa Wilson, one of the victims. They received an anonymous letter from her killer, bragging about all the murders police hadn’t uncovered yet. He even offered to point them to another body and enclosed a map of West Alton, Missouri, with an “X” on it.Fortunately for authorities, Travis was unfamiliar with the concept of IP tracking. First, they were able to determine that the map came from Afterward, with a federal subpoena, they were granted the IP addresses of all users who viewed a map of West Alton within the last few days.With a population of 500, West Alton wasn’t exactly a bustling metropolis. In fact, there was just one result.

Next stop was Microsoft who assigned the IP address. They pointed police to 36-year-old Maury Troy Travis. Inside his home, investigators found blood splatters, instruments, and videotapes of some of the crimes.

Photo credit:“The killing was just a means to an end,” Jeffrey Dahmer told a reporter for MSNBC. In his case, killing really was just a small part of his crimes. Over the course of 13 years, he raped, murdered, dismembered and cannibalized men—choosing, in his words, “the best-looking guys” that he could find.“I just wanted to have the person,” Dahmer said.

“Not having to consider their wishes. Being able to keep them there as long as I wanted.”As a child, Dahmer struggled with a sense of powerlessness. In part, that helpless feeling came from his struggles with his homosexuality.

“Around age 14 or 15, I started having obsessive thoughts of violence intermingled with sex, and it just got worse and worse,” he explained.Once he killed his first victim, Dahmer said, “it just seemed like it had control of my life from there on in. After the second time, it seemed like the compulsion to do it was too strong, and I didn’t even try to stop it after that.”Cannibalizing his victims, he said, “made me feel like they were a permanent part of me. It gave me a sexual satisfaction to do that.”“I ended up doing what I did as my way of feeling in complete control. Creating my own little world where I had the final say.”9Ted Bundy.

Nicelabel Manual

Photo credit:17 hours before his execution, Ted Bundy sat down with Rev. James Dobson for his final interview. “What’s going through my mind right now,” Ted Bundy told the evangelist, “is to use the minutes and hours that I have left as fruitfully as possible.”He wanted to explain why he’d ended up the way he did. He was not, he explained, the product of a bad childhood. “I grew up in a wonderful home with two dedicated and loving parents.”Instead, he blamed his change on finding at drug stores when he was 12 years old. It led him to seek out harder and harder stuff.

“The people would dump the garbage and whatever they’re cleaning out of the house and from time to time,” he said. By sifting through their trash, he and his friends would find “pornographic books of a harder nature.”“It fuels this kind of thought process,” Bundy claimed. “Once you become addicted to it. You keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of materials. Until you reach the point where the pornography only goes so far, you reach that jumping-off point where you begin to wonder if. if maybe doing it will give you that which is just beyond reading about it and looking at it.”“I’m not blaming pornography,” Bundy said. “I’m not saying it caused me to go out and do certain things.” Instead, pornography simply “helped mold and shape the kinds of violent behavior” that would take over his life. Photo credit:“It’s all power and control,” Paul Bernardo told police while trying to appeal his sentence.This was 11 years after he and his wife, Karla Holmoka, were arrested. They had been labeled the “Ken and Barbie Killers” by the media for their wholesome good looks and their twisted murders.

As a Christmas gift to her new husband, Karla let Paul. From there, the two went on to do the same to girls across the country.Despite the “Ken” label in the media, Bernardo credits his cruelty to a childhood of insecurity. “I was the type of guy who would freeze at baseball plays,” he told the Court of Appeals. “I don’t want to swing because I know I’m gonna miss.

I remember the first time I went waiting at Mother’s Pizza, I was so scared to walk up to the table.”His rapes, he claims, were a way for him to overcome his anxiety about sexual performance. “That’s what I had back then, so I used sex as a vice.”Now, behind bars, Bernardo doesn’t seem to feel that power anymore.

He told the police, “I’m the worst piece of crap on the planet.” 7Anatoly Onoprienko. Photo credit:“To me, killing people is like ripping up a duvet,” Anatoly Onoprienko told journalist Mark Franchetti. He had slaughtered 52 people over the course of 7 years. By the time he was imprisoned, he had earned the nickname The Beast of Ukraine. He was completely unrepentant.“Men, women, old people, children, they are all the same,” Onoprienko told Franchetti.

“I have never felt sorry for those I killed. No love, no hatred, just blind indifference.

I don’t see them as individuals, but just as masses.”“,” he claimed. “I have been taken over by a higher force, something telepathic or cosmic, which drove me. For instance, I wanted to kill my brother’s first wife, because I hated her. I really wanted to kill her, but I couldn’t because I had not received the order. I waited for it all the time, but it did not come.”“If I am ever let out, I will start killing again,” he said. “But this time it will be worse. 10 times worse.

The urge is there.”. Photo credit:No killer in the history of China has ended as many lives as Yang Xinhai.

Over a period of just four years, he slaughtered 67 people. He would enter homes, usually those of farmers, and would rape and kill entire families.The news blamed it on a breakup. “His girlfriend broke up with him. And as a result, Yang Zhiya developed a vengeful attitude toward society,” one claimed. Others chalked him up as an enemy to society. “He committed crimes to merely hurt society,” one officer told the news.

Another paper reported that he “harbored feelings of revenge against society.”Yang Xinhai himself, though, was more stoic in his statement. “I have no desire to be part of society. Society is not my concern,” he said before his execution. “When I killed people. This inspired me to kill more. I don’t care whether they de live or not. It is none of my concern.”Yang Xinhai treats his massacre as something unremarkable.

“Killing people is very usual,” he said. “Nothing special.”5Andrei Chikatilo. Photo credit:“When I used my knife it brought,” said Russian serial killer Andrei Chikatilo. He had used it many times. He was responsible for the deaths of 53 people, mostly drifters and the mentally handicapped.

His killings were brutal. He would gouge out eyes, chew off organs, and stuff bodies with dirt.Chikatilo said that he had dreamed of a better life. “I dreamed of a big political career, and ended up with this nothing life, in stations, and on trains.” When he saw drifters having sex, it reminded him of his own impotence and his failures. “I began to wonder whether these low-class elements have the right to exist.”When he lured his victims into the woods, he would get excited. “I would start to shake. It was like a fever,” Chikatilo said. “I just turned into a beast, into a wild animal.” The killings, he told the court, brought him sexual pleasure and a sense of relief.“I know I have to be destroyed,” Chikatilo said.

“I understand. I was a mistake of nature.”. Photo credit:He was called “The Angel of Death.” Over a period of 16 years, Charles Cullen used the trust his job as a nurse had earned him to silently kill. He killed somewhere between 30 and 40 people, slipping them over to the other side with lethal doses of medication.“I thought that people weren’t suffering anymore,” Cullen told a reporter.

“In a sense, I thought I was helping.”It’s a strange explanation. Despite the implication, Cullen was no Dr. His victims were not terminal patients suffering through unnecessary pain. They were generally healthy people, with decades of full and happy lives ahead of them.Confronted with that contradiction, Cullen just said, “My goal here isn’t to justify what I did.” He struggled for words, before getting out, “The only thing I can say is that I felt overwhelmed at the time. It felt like, and I did.”If he hadn’t been caught, Cullen told the reporter, “I don’t know really if I would have stopped.” 3Aileen Wuornos. Photo credit:Aileen Wuornos gets a fair bit more sympathy than even she believes she deserves.


Wuornos, who murdered seven men, is perhaps best known as the subject of the movie Monster, in which Charlize Theron portrayed her as a woman plagued by her own hard life and mental illness.Wuornos herself, though, insists that she is not insane. “I’m one who seriously hates human life and would kill again,” she wrote in a letter to the Florida Supreme Court. She pleaded no contest in the court case, offering no defense for herself except to claim that her first victim had violently raped her.

She ended her tirade by turning on the Assistant State Attorney and yelling, “”Before her execution, she went into a mad, rambling rant that was caught on film. “I killed those men, robbed them as cold as ice. And I’d do it again, too,” she said. “There’s no chance in keeping me alive or anything, because I’d kill again.

I have hate crawling through my system.”. Photo credit:“The first time I did a shot of dope, it was the best feeling I ever had in my life,” Tommy Lynn Sells told ABC News. “The first time I killed somebody, it was such a rush. It was just like that, a shot of dope every time I did it, it was that rush again, and I started chasing that high.”He’d been arrested and charged with the murder of a 13-year-old girl, who he’d stabbed 16 times while she slept. She was only one of his victims—he had already killed at least 21 more. Now, awaiting his execution, he was trying to explain why he’d done it.“I don‘t have an on-and-off switch,” he told them.

I’m after that feeling.”That drug, for Sells, was murder. “I like to watch the eyes fade, the pupil fade,” he said. “It’s just like setting their soul free.” 1 David Berkowitz. Photo credit:The Son of Sam, David Berkowitz, terrorized New York with a string of murders across a summer in 1977. Famously, he claimed that his dog had told him to kill. 25 years later, though, when he spoke with Larry King, he distanced himself from the dog story.“It goes back, really, to childhood and the struggles I had as a child, many psychological problems growing up,” Berkowitz said.

“I had very bad bouts of depression when I was a child. I was very suicidal.”In his adult years, Berkowitz entered a period of extreme loneliness. “At this time, I had made a, I had allowed this satanic thing to control me, and I felt these paranormal powers,” he said. “I felt somehow invincible.

I felt that I had this power and I was, unknown to me, I was slowly being led down a path of—of destruction.”The feeling of invincibility wasn’t a positive one. “I just felt like a brain-washed robot,” he explained. “I just felt something else was controlling me. I thought that killing was what I was supposed to do.”“I don’t dwell on it at all. It was a horrible thing,” Berkowitz told Larry King.

“It was a horrible thing.”.