Chemistry Investigatory Projects For Class 12 Free Download

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Chemistry Investigatory Project Class 12.1.2013-14RAHULKUSHWAHAKV NO.2, NSB,VISAKHAPATNAMCHEMISTRYINVESTIGATORY PROJECT.KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO. 2NAUSENABAUGH, VISAKHAPATNAMDEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRYCERTIFICATEThis is to certify that RAHUL KUSHWAHA, a student of class XII-A hassuccessfully completed the research on the below mentioned project underthe guidance of Mr. B.Sreedhar ( Subject Teacher ) during the year 2013-14in partial fulfillment of chemistry practical examination conducted byAISSCE, New Delhi.Signature of external examiner Signature of chemistry teacher.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTIn the accomplishment of this project successfully, manypeople have best owned upon me their blessings and the heartpledged support, this time I am utilizing to thank all thepeople who have been concerned with project.Primarily I would thank god for being able to complete thisproject with success. Then I would like to thank my principalMr. S.V.Babu and Chemistry teacher Mr.B.Sreedhar, whosevaluable guidance has been the ones that helped me patch thisproject and make it full proof success his suggestions and hisinstructions has served as the major contributor towards thecompletion of the project.Then I would like to thank my parents and friends who havehelped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance hasbeen helpful in various phases of the completion of the project.Last but not the least I would like to thank my classmateswho have helped me a lot.INDEX1.CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE2.

AIM OF PROJECT4. APPARATUS REQUIRED7. PROCEDURE FOLLOWED8. BIBLIOGRAPHY.AIM OF THEEXPERIMENTTo study the setting of mixture of cement withsand, time and fly ash with respect to time andstrength.INTRODUCTIONIn the most general sense of the word, CEMENT is abinder, a substance that sets and hardensindependently, and can bind other materialstogether.

CHEMISTRY INVESTIGATORY PROJECT REPORTDETERMINING AMOUNT OF ACETIC ACID IN VINEGAR Name: Suparna Ghanvatkar Std: XII Div: A School Roll No: 5 Board Roll No: School: New Horizon Public School, Airoli:: CERTIFICATE:: This is to certify that Miss Suparna Ghanvatkar of class XII has completed the chemistry project entitled ‘DETERMINATION OF AMOUNT OF ACETIC ACI D IN VINEGAR’ herself and under my guidance during the academic year 2011-12. The progress of the project has been continuously reported and has been in my knowledge consistently.Teacher InchargeHead of Instituition:: AIM::Measuring the Amount of Acetic Acid In Vinegar by Titration with an Indicator solution.::ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:: I sincerely thank our Chemistry teacher Ms Pranalli for her guidance, encouragement and support throughout the duration of the project. Without her motivation and help the successful completion of this project would not have been possible. I would also like to extend ma gratitude to the entire Chemistry department of New Horizon Public School for their constant support.Suparna Ghanvatkar XII A:: Index:: 1. 14.Certificate Aim Acknowledgement Objective Introduction Apparatus Theory Experimental Procedure Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Result Precautions Bibliography:: OBJECTIVE:: The goal of this project is to determine the amount of Acetic Acid in different types of vinegar using titration with a coloured pH indicator to determine the endpoint.:: INTRODUCTION:: About Vinegar: Vinegar is a solution made from the fermentation of ethanol (CH3CH2O H ), which in turn was previously fermented from sugar.

The fermentation of ethanol results in the production of acetic acid (CH3COOH). There are many different types of vinegar, each starting from a different original sugar source ( e.g., rice, wine, malt, etc.). The amount of acetic acid in vinegar can vary, typically between 4 to 6% for table vinegar, but up to three times higher ( 18%) for pickling vinegar. Titration introduction: In this project, I have determined the amount of acid in different vinegars using titration, a common technique in chemistry. Titration is a way to measure the unknown amount of a chemical in a solution (the titrant) by adding a measured amount of a chemical with a known concentration (the titrating solution). The titrating solution reacts with the titrant, and the endpoint of the reaction is monitored in some way.

The concentration of the titrant can now be calculated from the amount of titrating solution added, and the ratio of the two chemicals in the chemical equation for the reaction. Titration theory: To measure the acidity of a vinegar solution, we can add enough hydroxyl ions to balance out the added hydrogen ions from the acid. The hydroxyl ions will react with the hydrogen ions toproduce water. In order for a titration to work, we need three things: 1. A titration solution (contains hydroxyl ions with a precisely known concentration), 2.

A method for delivering a precisely measured volume of the titrating solution, and 3. A means of indicating when the endpoint has been reached.

Investigatory Project Pdf Download


For the titrating solution, we'll use a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Sodium hydroxide is a strong base, which means that it dissociates almost completely in water. So for every NaOH molecule that we add to the solution,we can expect to produce a hydroxyl ion. Performing titration: To dispense an accurately measured volume of the titrating solution, we will use a burette.

A burette is a long tube with a valve at the bottom and graduated markings on the outside to measure the volume contained in the burette. The burette is mounted on a ring stand, directly above the titrant solution. Solutions in the burette tend to creep up the sides of the glass at the surface of the liquid. This is due to the surface tension of water. The surface of the liquid thus forms a curve, called a meniscus.

To measure the volume of the liquid in the burette, always read from the bottom of the meniscus. Indicators: In this experiment, we will use an indicator solution called phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein is colourless when the solution is acidic or neutral. When the solution becomes slightly basic, phenolphthalein turns pinkish, and then light purple as the solution becomes more basic. So when the vinegar solution starts to turn pink, we know that the titration is complete.:: APPARATUS:: To do this experiment we will need the following materials and equipment: ➔Vinegar, three different types. ➔Distilled water ➔Small funnel ➔0.5% Phenolphthalein solution in alcohol (pH indicator solution) ➔0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution ➔125 mL Conical flask ➔25 or 50 mL burette ➔10 mL graduated cylinder ➔Ring stand ➔Burette clamp:: THEORY:: Required amount of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) can be calculated using the following formula: 3Molarity X Molar Mass X Volume (cm ) W= 1000Molar mass of NaOH = 40 g/mol =0.5 X 40 X 500 1000= 10 g The acetic acid content of a vinegar may be determined by titrating a vinegar sample with a solution of sodium hydroxide of known molar concentration (molarity).

CH3COOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) - CH3COONa(aq) + H2O(l) (acid) + (base) - (salt) + (water) At the end point in the titration stoichiometry between the both solution lies in a 1:1 ratio.M CH3COOHX V CH3COOH=M NaOH X V NaOHStrength of acid in vinegar can be determined by the following formula: Strength of acetic acid = M CH COOH X 60 3Indicator:- Phenolphthalein End Point:- Colourless to pink:: EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE:: 1. Pour 1.5 ml of vinegar in an Conical flask. Add distilled water to dissolve the vinegar so that the volume of the solution becomes 20 mL. Add 3 drops of 0.5% phenolphthalein solution. Use the burette clamp to attach the burette to the ring stand.

Smith and wesson model 915. The opening at the bottom of the burette should be just above the height of the Conical flask we use for the vinegar and phenolphthalein solution. Use a funnel to fill the burette with a 0.1 M solution of sodium hydroxide.

Note the starting level of the sodium hydroxide solution in the burette. Put the vinegar solution to be titrated under the burette. Slowly drip the solution of sodium hydroxide into the vinegar solution. Swirl the flask gently to mix the solution, while keeping the opening underneath the burette. At some point we will see a pink colour in the vinegar solution when the sodium hydroxide is added, but the colour will quickly disappear as the solution is mixed.

When this happens, slow the burette to drop-by-drop addition. When the vinegar solution turns pink and remains that colour even with mixing, the titration is complete. Close the tap (or pinch valve) of the burette. Note the remaining level of the sodium hydroxide solution inthe burette. Remember to read from the bottom of the meniscus. Subtract the initial level from the remaining level to figure out how much titrating solution we have used.