Win Lose Or Draw

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A missing teenager, drugs, yachts, the sex trade and a cold trail that leads from Sydney to Norfolk Island, Byron Bay and Coolangatta. Can Cliff Hardy find out what's really going on?Will one man's loss be Hardy's gain?'

I'd read about it in the papers, heard the radio reports and seen the TV coverage and then forgotten about it, the way you do with news s A missing teenager, drugs, yachts, the sex trade and a cold trail that leads from Sydney to Norfolk Island, Byron Bay and Coolangatta. Can Cliff Hardy find out what's really going on?Will one man's loss be Hardy's gain?' I'd read about it in the papers, heard the radio reports and seen the TV coverage and then forgotten about it, the way you do with news stories.' A missing girl, drugs, yachts, the sex trade and a cold trail that leads from Sydney to Norfolk Island, Byron Bay and Coolangatta.The police suspect the father, Gerard Fonteyn OA, a wealthy businessman. But he's hired Cliff to find her, given him unlimited expenses and posted a $250,000 reward for information.Finally there's a break - an unconfirmed sighting of Juliana Fonteyn, alive and well.

But as usual, nothing is straightforward. Various other players are in the game - and Cliff doesn't know the rules, or even what the game might be. He's determined to find out, and as the bodies mount up the danger to himself and to Juliana increases. When I found out Peter Corris was writing his last Cliff Hardy book—actually, his last book of any sort—I was interested. I little buzz in the media around whether or not he would bump Hardy off a la Sherlock Holmes was enough to hook me in and snap it up.While I may have cut my PI-Crime teeth on American writers like and, I later discovered Corris/Hardy and read quite a When I found out Peter Corris was writing his last Cliff Hardy book—actually, his last book of any sort—I was interested. I little buzz in the media around whether or not he would bump Hardy off a la Sherlock Holmes was enough to hook me in and snap it up.While I may have cut my PI-Crime teeth on American writers like and, I later discovered Corris/Hardy and read quite a few, though I was surprised by how many had actually been written; I figure I’d read about twelve (and I own six) and then I wondered why I hadn’t read more.

I was living in Sydney at the time and haunted some of the same haunts as Hardy, and the writing was good, the stories good. Always a brisk pace, strong setting, page-turn-ability.And none of that has changed.

Win Lose Or Draw Questions

I read this book in one day. You don’t have to think much, you roll along with it; and Hardy is a great character, if a little fantastical at times; full of Corris-esque left-leaning social justice, with topical quips about racism and sexism, and smart as a whip; but with all the punch-on, skill with violence and hard-headedness of a racist sexist blokey-bloke down the pub. So maybe it was the (very occasional, I admit) preachy-ness that emerged that slowly turned me off?Corris has health issues, hence his voluntary retirement, and since I have read the later work of writers like and, and observed a marked difference in the quality, I can’t help but think he’s doing the right thing artistically. He’s still on top of his game and going out. Maybe I found the denouement a little underwhelming and social-commentary-laden, but that might have been due to the media buzz and how little Hardy even came close to being bumped off in this one. They are all cleverly constructed and well-written Australian city-yarns, began at a time when the narrative of 'Aussie-ness' was predominantly either Outback- or Beach-driven.And there are two sets of hanging hyphens. So hats off for that too.

Win, Lose or Draw is another great book by Peter Corris. Readers of Win, Lose or Draw, will enjoy the twist and turns of the story and the conclusion. Win, Lose or Draw is about trying to find Juliana, daughter of wealthy Sydney businessman.

However, the investigation highlighted other issues that devastated everyone. Readers will start to think about the problems and consequences of drug abuse for the family and the community. I love the way Peter Corris made his main character Cliff Hardy not Win, Lose or Draw is another great book by Peter Corris. Readers of Win, Lose or Draw, will enjoy the twist and turns of the story and the conclusion.

Win, Lose or Draw is about trying to find Juliana, daughter of wealthy Sydney businessman. However, the investigation highlighted other issues that devastated everyone. Readers will start to think about the problems and consequences of drug abuse for the family and the community. I love the way Peter Corris made his main character Cliff Hardy not to be perfect or sexy. I recommend this book.

So much to like about this book. The protagonist, Cliff Hardy is relatable, the rogue's gallery of characters enthralling, and the settings real and tangible. The dialogue is lively and the narrative romps along at a breathless pace.But the thing that ruined it for me was the rushed ending. I felt like I'd invested so much in the foregoing story line, that when the end came, it was a damp squib unworthy of the rest of the novel.This was my first experience with Coriss's renowned Clif So much to like about this book.

The protagonist, Cliff Hardy is relatable, the rogue's gallery of characters enthralling, and the settings real and tangible. The dialogue is lively and the narrative romps along at a breathless pace.But the thing that ruined it for me was the rushed ending. I felt like I'd invested so much in the foregoing story line, that when the end came, it was a damp squib unworthy of the rest of the novel.This was my first experience with Coriss's renowned Cliff Hardy.

I picked it up from the 'recent returns' pile at the library. There's enough good stuff in there to make me want to return to this author and see what else he's got up his sleeve. Win, Lose or DrawbyPeter Corris(Cliff Hardy series #42)Win, Lose or Draw is the 42nd novel in Peter Corris’ easy listening Cliff Hardy series.Set in Sydney, Coolangatta, Norfolk Island and Byron Bay, Cliff finds himself working for a client who not only trusts and thinks highly of Cliff, but also has a seemingly bottomless bank account. This is something which Hardy finds novel and almost embarrassing to have not hundreds, but thousands of dollars for expenses.A/Win, Win, Lose or DrawbyPeter Corris(Cliff Hardy series #42)Win, Lose or Draw is the 42nd novel in Peter Corris’ easy listening Cliff Hardy series.Set in Sydney, Coolangatta, Norfolk Island and Byron Bay, Cliff finds himself working for a client who not only trusts and thinks highly of Cliff, but also has a seemingly bottomless bank account.

This is something which Hardy finds novel and almost embarrassing to have not hundreds, but thousands of dollars for expenses.A missing daughter, drugs and the sex trade are all interwoven to make Win, Lose or Draw a fast paced enjoyable story, with a wide range of enjoyable, and colourful, characters included as one would expected in scenarios such as this.Mention must also be made of Dino Marnika, the third narrator of the Cliff Hardy series. His gravelly voice is certainly different and suits the Cliff Hardy series.I will rate Win, Lose or Draw as a three star book. They are enjoyable stories, but very predictable.Other Goodreads readers have rated Win, Lose or Draw an average of 3.84 stars, from 234 ratings and 21 reviews. Sadly this was the last book written by Peter Corris who died last year. I love his Cliff Hardy novels, his well structures stories, and his straightforward writing - the succinct descriptions and Sydney settings.He paints pictures by using familiar analogies and perceptions e.g ' the grooves on my dial were almost as deep as Mick Jagger's' and 'with a few drinks inside I played some early Elvis.- to put me in touch with my youth and it's simpler realities' and ' A few kilometres inland fro Sadly this was the last book written by Peter Corris who died last year. Many years ago there was a specialist bookshop tucked away in Auburn Road, Hawthorn run by a crime fiction expert and massive enabler (I think his name was Malcolm Campbell).

He was one of those real-life people that made me thankful I'd made the trek from the bush to the big city, and Peter Corris was another. Sure I probably would have eventually found his books, but arriving in the city, finding that shop, and eventually being introduced to Cliff Hardy, kind of reinforced at that time it had Many years ago there was a specialist bookshop tucked away in Auburn Road, Hawthorn run by a crime fiction expert and massive enabler (I think his name was Malcolm Campbell).

He was one of those real-life people that made me thankful I'd made the trek from the bush to the big city, and Peter Corris was another. Sure I probably would have eventually found his books, but arriving in the city, finding that shop, and eventually being introduced to Cliff Hardy, kind of reinforced at that time it had been a good move all round.From the opening book in the Cliff Hardy series, here was something that was familiar, and yet slightly different about them. They are, as further study eventually revealed, straight out of the lone-wolf, private eye rule book, and yet quintessentially Australian. They are also very Sydney - with the mean streets that Hardy lived on never that far from the Harbour, yet there is something in the quick-fire delivery, and the quiet determination that reeks of the laconic Australian character. Put a hat on him, push it back on his head and roll up his sleeves and Hardy could have been a man from the bush. Stick him in a Ford, hand him a glass of wine, and have him haunt a few coffee shops and bars and he was city through and through. Part of the appeal of Cliff Hardy is that he has always been as hard to pin down - age / background / look and feel, as he has been instantly recognisable.But forty-two books later, Cliff is flagging a little, but game as always, and Peter Corris has pulled the plug, battling a few health problems of his own.

So reading WIN, LOSE OR DRAW is one of those jarring moments no matter how you look at it. It's the last ever book of a series that's become as part of all fans January's as has a food hangover or the Test Cricket. It's certainly always been my Boxing Day Test tradition - flat out on a couch, test on in the background, Cliff Hardy book in hand. Glass of white wine beside me.It also appears that the decision to call it quits on the series happened after the book had been written - so there's no maudlin fare-the-well's, no tying up of any long-standing questions (not that there really are that many, expect maybe how bloody old is Cliff really!). What we have in WIN, LOSE OR DRAW is classic Hardy, hired by a wealthy businessman, Gerard Fonteyn, to find his teenage daughter. Julianna has been missing for over a year and despite a number of other granted half-hearted attempts there's never been a hint that she's dead or alive.

Initially Hardy is inclined to agree with this assessment, but a photograph that eventually comes to light is just enough for him to get out, kick some rocks and see what crawls out.A nicely complicated plot is elegantly executed with plenty of opportunity for even a slightly cricket distracted reader to keep up, but as always at the heart of these books is the tough-guy, lone-wolf, rough-around-the-edges, good-bloke Cliff Hardy. Even exiting this way, on a high, solving the unsolvable, never looking back, never saying goodbye, no regrets, no apologies, kind of makes sense. It won't make fans feel any better come next January, but then there are 42 of these books that you can always re-read. That's a lot of January's.

From start to finish, this book is vintage Peter Corris and a fitting way to say farewell to Cliff Hardy. On the trail of the missing daughter of a wealthy business man, everything isn't as it seems. Tracing leads from Sydney to Norfolk Island, Coolangatta and back to Sydney, Hardy runs up against the usual assortment of thugs and underworld characters determined to beat him to the girl.

He also has to deal with a photographic journalist determined to claim the reward for finding the gi Perfect. From start to finish, this book is vintage Peter Corris and a fitting way to say farewell to Cliff Hardy.

On the trail of the missing daughter of a wealthy business man, everything isn't as it seems. Tracing leads from Sydney to Norfolk Island, Coolangatta and back to Sydney, Hardy runs up against the usual assortment of thugs and underworld characters determined to beat him to the girl. He also has to deal with a photographic journalist determined to claim the reward for finding the girl, over zealous Queensland coppers and another Private Investigator struggling to stay in the game.Hardy is older and wiser these days and Corris illustrates this brilliantly. In a recent blog post, he mentioned that he didn't realise he would be writing his last Cliff Hardy novel when he started, but it is hard to not feel like the character has reached a point where age is starting to weary him and where running headfirst into trouble isn't always the first option.

These days Cliff is perhaps a little less edgey and a little more prone to thoughtful planning, however at his core he is still the same portrait of a private detective that he was way back when Corris first wrote The Dying Trade (published 1980).Anyone who is has read and enjoyed a Cliff Hardy novel over the years, will find this as comfortable as a pair of old slippers as Corris applies his tried and tested formula. For those who haven't discovered Cliff Hardy, chances are that you will be back for more. When Juliana Fonteyn disappears she is an underage teenager. By the time her father hires Cliff Hardy to find her the case is already 18 months old, and other investigators have tried to find her and failed.

In her father's estimation they have largely been concerned with how much they will be paid. In Cliff Hardy he hopes he has found someone who really cares.

And there is new evidence that Juliana is still alive - a photograph taken on Norfolk Island.Even so the investigation does When Juliana Fonteyn disappears she is an underage teenager. By the time her father hires Cliff Hardy to find her the case is already 18 months old, and other investigators have tried to find her and failed. In her father's estimation they have largely been concerned with how much they will be paid. In Cliff Hardy he hopes he has found someone who really cares. And there is new evidence that Juliana is still alive - a photograph taken on Norfolk Island.Even so the investigation doesn't go smoothly and after fruitless weeks Hardy tells Gerard Fonteyn that he is giving up. And then there is yet another breakthrough.This relatively easy read reflects the fact that the Australian author is most accomplished.

This is #42 in a very popular series, although I have read very few of them before. Something I can see I should remedy in 2017. Peter Corris was an Australian academic, historian, journalist and a novelist of historical and crime fiction.

His first novel was published in 1980. Corris is credited with reviving the fully-fledged Australian crime novel with local settings and reference points and with a series character firmly rooted in Australian culture, Sydney PI Cliff Hardy. As crime fiction writer, he was described as 't Peter Corris was an Australian academic, historian, journalist and a novelist of historical and crime fiction. His first novel was published in 1980.

Corris is credited with reviving the fully-fledged Australian crime novel with local settings and reference points and with a series character firmly rooted in Australian culture, Sydney PI Cliff Hardy. As crime fiction writer, he was described as 'the Godfather of contemporary Australian crime-writing'.He won the Lifetime Achievement award at the Ned Kelly Awards for Crime Writing in 1999 and was shortlisted for best novel in 2006 for Saving Billy and in 2007 for The Undertow.

The late 1980s game show Win, Lose or Draw is back on the Disney Channel. Co-created by Burt Reynolds, the show included sketching and yelling all while teams were competing for a grand prize. Justin Willman (Cupcake Wars) will host the revival, in which two teams — each comprised of two kid contestants and a Disney star compete in a game of drawing skills and wit. The show will start production in July and premiere later this year.This being the new century Disney has announced that they will be adding interactive multi-touch screens, graphic technology and some comedic physical challenges. This is your chance to audition for Win, Lose or Draw because the casting directors at Disney are now taking applications for contestants of all ages to be int he popular game show. Do not miss out your chance to audition apply now. Produced by the producer of Deal or No Deal, Win, Draw or lose will premiere later this year on Disney Channel. Each show will feature two teams each composed of two kid contestants and a Disney star, competing in a battle of drawing skills, creativity and wits to win prizes.

Win, Lose or Draw will bring back the game show genre to the Disney Chanel, which hasn’t regularly aired game shows in at least 10 years. In the late 1990s, Disney Channel ran game shows such as Off the Wall, Mad Libs and Z Games, but more recently has focused on scripted fare.“We’re eager to introduce a generation of kids and families to a 21st century version of the popular Win, Lose or Draw, and are confident its creative game play plus its incorporation of physical comedy will complement our programming line-up,” Adam Bonnett, senior VP, original programming, Disney Channel, said in a statement.The casting directors at Disney channel are now taking submissions for male and female contestants of all ages.

Win Lose Or Draw

If you are a fan of the 80’s show or someone that just wants to be a on a Disney channel television show than they want to hear from you. Anyone that is interested in auditioning for Win, Lose or Draw please submit several recent photos and contact information.

Please keep checking back for more information on casting dates, locations and times and as always let us know what you think about Disney and their leap back into the Game show genre.Fill out the submission form below to get more auditions. I want to be part of disney channel because I like acting and also taste the see no acting and I would like to go but can not speak r English but I swear that I will aprendre but also live in Peru if I acestaran I think it would be the first girl another country to work there want to be like sabrina she sings and acts that I like are the two things q I like in life if in disney would be very happy and would fulfill my dream of becoming a great actress I would love to act with these people talented and I enjoy it so much I want to be there with all my heart and I hope that it happens. Hey, I think it would be really cool to be on a show! But my friend (Erin) has always talked about being on TV and I thought it would be awesome if for her birthday (in the summer) she got to be filmed for TV! Neither of us are really good at drawing but we have fun and crack crazy jokes all the time! I cry more from laughing with her now then I did when I was a baby! We live in the canadain maritimes and I’m 13 and she’s 12, 13 in the summer!

We love the show and I hope you can give us a chance! PLEASE READ!! PLEASE READ!! PLEASE READ!!Hello my name is Grace!

I’m 15 and have high hopes to be on this show! I’ve been on Tv before for like 1min on a show on bravo called way off Broadway. My Mother was a main character on the show. I really want to follow in her foot steps so she can be very proud of me. I’ve played soccer my whole life and really enjoy the sport. I’m very competitive and but love to have fun. My best friend Kelly is the same as me!

We think alike and act alike. Kelly and I would be honoured to come and to take part of Win, Lose, or Draw!Best hopes, Grace and Kelly. I REALLY want to be on this show. I live in Louisiana, and I really want to represent Louisiana on TV. When I saw this show on TV, I knew this is what I’ve been looking for.

I love drawing. I have won several awards on my pretty sweet drawing skills. I don’t like to brag, but that last sentence was for the audition. I really like Burt Reynolds. I want to do this so I can invite my friend, because we were going to a concert, and I couldn’t go because of a global tournament I was in.

It would mean the world to me being asked to be on this game show. I don’t care about which AWESOME actor or actress you will pair me up with.

I’m eleven and my friend is 10 turning 11 soon. I have four younger brothers and they always wanted to be on a game show. If I get on this game show it could show my brothers what great things they are also capable of. I know you are reading some awesomely written reasons of why they should be on here. But, please try considering me. My friend and I have some amazing talents (I know you like to have buddies or friends with neat talents.) My friend and I don’t really care about the prizes ( unless we are offered or win the prizes.) I thank you so much for reading my long lengthy (possibly boring) reason of why I should be on Win, Lose, or Draw. Thanks and may God bless you.

Hi, i am an 11 year old boy who has always wanted to be on a disney channel show.if you accept me i would like to play with my friend Joshua Kremer who lives across the street from me.Im pretty sure we would like to be with someone from the ross family or from K.C UNDERCOVERIf you accept me here are my facts: WT:97 lbs HT: 5’0 Age: 11 3/7 i live in san diego on 10284 yorktown drive and my family’s zip code is 92124. Joshua’s facts WT:87 lbs ht 4’9age:10 3/5 but he lives on 10271 yorktown drive and im pretty sure his zip code is the same as mine.Many Thanks if you let us in this show!:-). I am Jade Latek, I am 12 years old (7th grade) I live in Asheville, North Carolina, I love everything thing you do on Disney ( Shows, Disney XD etc.) You have inspired me to take my Hopes,Dreams,and Life to the next level of confidence, Inspiration, and my my love for performing arts. All I would like to say is that I would love the opportunity to work with Disney Channel, (And this show seems like a great start for me! I think i would be great at it.)It has been one of my dreams for my whole life, to work with you all. I can Sing,Dance,etc.

I also have dreams of going to college in New York, and living there to accomplish my dreams of being an entertainer in the performing arts industry. Anyway I would really appreciate it If you could please take me into consideration.:) thank you soooooo much!:) can’t wait to hear back! Hi my name is Karissa Felicity Monico.

I’m 16 years old and I honestly have loved Disney Channel ever since I was little. I looked up to all the Disney actors and always enjoyed watching them. When I was about the age of 9 I realized how much I loved acting. I always wanted to be on tv and I would always try to make YouTube videos. I love to make people happy, I’m very outgoing. I always am the one to make friends fast, I’m known ass the one with the biggest heart in my family. If you give me the chance to act on any of you television shows I would be delighted!

Stay positive❤️Height: 5 ft 3inHair: brown; medium lengthWeight: 130Eye color: brownHobbies: volleyball & dance.Skin color: CaucasianAge: 16Bye! TO THE DIRECTORS OF WIN, LOSE OR DRAW GAME SHOW, I’m Lauren! I’m 15yrs old, and will be 16 in April. I can play any age from 13-25. It has always been a dream of mine to be on Disney channel! I’ve been watching it since I was a little girl.I would love to get a chance to be on the cast. I think this would be a great opportunity!

And a good way to help me really start off my career as an actress. I am a singer/actress/model I love everything In that field and am interested in trying something new(: I have been in choir my whole life, and sing in my church praise band. I have also taken many solos to all state choir competitions. I have also been in several school plays. I had a lead role in legally blonde the musical, and the Christmas story. I have done a couple plays/shows through my modeling agency.

And several modeling jobs. I am also a cheerleader and can tumble and am very flexible, so if you neededany of that. I love working with people and getting along. I feel like you should choose me for a chance to audition because I have experience and I love Disney channel!(: PLEASE CONTACT ME! Thank you so much and have a great day! I would love to be on this show! Not for the prizes but because I would love to meet the stars, and just the show its self seems like so much fun!

Im actually watching the show as Im typing this! This episode is with Raini Rodriguez and Lauro Marono, I love watching them guess! Justin the host is very hilarious I might add. I would like to be on this show with either my sister or cousin because they are good guessers! I just love the show so much!

Ever since it came out I’ve tried to watch every single episode and no I’m not just saying that. I wouldn’t mind which celebrity i would play with, but if I had to choose I would pick either Peyton List and Cameron Boyce or Billy Unger and Tyrel Jackson Williams. If I had three wishes I would use one to be on the show!

If you could please pick me to be on the show. I just love this show so much! Please, please, please pick me? PLEASE READ THIS. Me and my brother would love to be on the show win,lose,or draw.We would like to be partners on the show (be on the same team together.) We love this show so much. We watch it and we get almost all the answers right before any of the contestants give their answer for the drawing. We love the show and it looks really fun.

Its both of our big dreams to be on T.V. We really want to be on this game show.Me, Abby I am 14 years old and my brother Sam is 11 years old. We both like to go boating in the summer with our family. Me and sam both LOVE to draw. Our family loves to go on fun vacations together. We have done fun drawing classes in the summer so we are so ready to do this. I have always danced and I like to sing,but I’m mostly a drawer and I have always wanted to be on tv I’m 9 years old and my mom wanted to put me I the Disney but my mom had work a lot of work so we waitedThat was 5 years ago but now we have more time Its fine if if you do not pick me I’ll just go with the flow but I really want to be in Win Loose or Draw because this is my chance to accomplish my dream,because I love to draw and be on tv.

That’s why I want to be in win loose or draw.i hope you pick me. I will love to audition for any Disney channel television shows such as Win,Lose or Draw Because I always wanted to be on Disney channel since I was a kid, I did a lot of theater in elementary or part of middle school and also in 3 and 4 grade, I am 11 years old and did modeling back in France, since I am French. I’ve been in America for a year and a half; I speak English every day at school and after school but with my family I speak French since I am the only one that is super advanced in English, If I do get on win lose or draw it will be the best day of my life. I will bring my best friend Daisy if she can come but I wish everyone good luck and thank you for reading this message.-Lisa. I´m Kerttu and i´m twelve years old.

My biggest dream is acting in USA and be different cause hey.i´m from finland. What interesting there ever happen. Nobody in finland won´t believe that twelve years old child can really play the role in USA.

Well i gonna prove that they are all wrong. I gonna keep doing this until somebody gives me a chance. I won´t give upSo my height is 5`4″, i have brown long hair and brown-green eyes, my skin tone is white and i speak english and finnish.

I can sing, dance, write(storys,songs and poems), run fast, play volleyball and use computers and other electronic pretty well.And I have good memory. I can memorize lot and quickly.27th day is my birthday. Can you make my only birthday wish come true?Thank you. Full Name: Gwendelyn MahlerAge: 12Gender: FemaleCountry: United States of America (California)Height: 5’2Weight: 210Race: CaucasianEye Color: HazelHair Color: Dirty BlondeNatural Talents: Singing, Acting, Drawing, Goofing Around:-PEmail Address:Facebook Page: Gwendelyn MahlerBackstory: I was born into a “Disney Family”. Literally, almost every year on my Birthday I would take a trip to Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, we have almost every Disney Movie known to man, and I live for Disney Channel! Please contact me by sending me a text (714-423-9044), posting a message on my Facebook Page, or sending me an Email!Sincerely, Gwendelyn. Hi, IM Jadda ann Smith jacksonIm from California!!!I was born and rasiedI’ve Been always wanting to be an Actress, my whole life.

So, I thought if I audition for Winlose,or draw. My experience will come true.ill always go online to sign up.or see of there casting calls or something. I really can’t do stuff how I want to.because IM in a foster home. Im coming home, with my real family on Feb 18. Wish me luck.I hope my dreams come friend also will be with me!!!Age:12Birth:10/27/01Height:5`4Weight:104Idol: Peyton list or Cameron boyceLuv, Jadda. My full name is Hannah Susanna O’Brien. I am 17 years old, weigh 115 lbs, have blonde hair and hazel eyes.

I am easily entertained and very entertaining! I love to sing, act and listen to music. I think I would be a good candidate for this role because I feel that I can bring something new and fun to this show! I am hard working and a little desperate for my big break, but who isn’t?

I have performed in several musicals at my high school such as West Side Story, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Shrek the Musical and Sweeney Todd. I have some experience! Thank you for your time and consideration. Hello, My Name Is Valeria ( but most people call me Valerie ), and in my perspective I believe that I would be a great candidate for this upcoming new show! (:I am very outgoing, friendly, trustworthy, persistent, and talkative. I am currently in highschool as a junior.

If i were to get an audition, I promise id give it my all.Here’s some information about myself;Name: Valeria CruzAge: 16, Turning 17 This Upcomming August of 2014Height: 5’4Eye Color: brownHair color: Brown with highlightsBody figure: Active Shape?Nationality: Mexican/American. (Light skinned)Weight: 125Location: Carlsbad, Ca ( In The San Diego County )If you have any questions or would like a headshot please feel free to email me at any point in time. Hello producers and casting directors. I am Alexandria and I think that I should be considered for any casting calls because I am a determined and funny young person that loves to act. I would love to be given an audition for anything Movies, Extras, Commercials, T.V. Shows, Game Shows etc.Name: Alexandria MackeyAge: 12Gender: FemaleWeight: 110 lb.Height: 5’3Body Type: SlenderEthnicity: Bahamian (but I speak proper English)Hair color: Dark BrownSkin Tone: Dark BrownTalents:I can sing, dance, act, and stunt.

I also sing in my choir at school.Sports: I run at Track-and-Field,I play Softball, Baseball, Volleyball, Soccer and some Tennis.Academics: I have been on the Honor Roll since First Grade and have never gotten lower than a 3.8 on a report card.Personality: I am an outgoing, friendly, nice, and enthusiastic person when you get to know me.I have been told on several ocassions that I have a natural comedic personality that should be on broadway and television.Have a nice day. Hi, my name is Jerri’Onna Wilkins and it has alwaysBeen my dream to be on television (especially DisneyChannel) because i grew up watching Disney channel. I am 13 years old and i love to dance, i’ve never auditionBefore, for a movie/show, i would love to share the talentThat god has given to me and i love to travel so, whereEver the aaudition is i would love to be there! MyMother has struggled to take care of me and my family,she had to play a part of mother/father, i just wanTedTo show her that her love/struggle for me is not in vain.

Hello, my name is Diana! I’m 12 years old & I am an actor/singer/dancer! I would love to be on a TV show because that has been my dream/goal since I was 7 years old. I know that’s not a long time but it’s a lot of hard work.

I love traveling, exploring, & just basically living the young life! (: A couple of things I like doing besides playing sports or other active stuff is doing my hair & I love getting dressed up! Thank you so much!

Love you guysHeight: 5 ftHair: brown & short.Weight: 91Eye color: brownHobbies: volleyball & dance.Skin color: light brownAge: 12Bye! Dream & achieve!Xoxo – Diana (. PLEASE READ, PLEASE READ, PLEASE READHello.

My name is Faith Richards. I am an American citizen, although I have previously lived in Nottingham, England for 5 years, which means I can put on a British accent and a strong American accent if it was required.

By American standards I have actually already graduated High School at a younger age, therefor missing school would not harm my education in any way, shape or form. I enjoy acting, singing and modelling.


Although, my main passion is for acting. I used to attend a weekly drama school called The Television Workshops which helped me improve my confidence and experience in front of cameras and live audiences. I would love to gain more experience in the acting industry. I am 16 years old in 2 weeks, 5’7, long dark blonde hair, blue eyes, 120lb/slim figure.

Although I am located in Kansas, I am willing to relocate during filming. I would be honored to participate in this upcoming production. I really hope you take my application into consideration. I am so grateful for the time you took in reading this.

If you would like more information, visit my Explore Talent profile or call/email me! I am a truly gifted and dedicated performer. I love being in front of the camera all the time. I have multiple talents consisting of dance, music, martial arts, and acting.

Not only do I want to be an entertainer on television, but I want to spread a meaningful message and inspire young kids to build confidence, set goals, and improve self-esteem. I also should be considered in the casting call because I have one of the most intense work habits. I am just coming off a six month continuous daily practice schedule from January 2 to July 2. I told myself, “This is a new year, so I’m going to make a new me as far as working to make my dream become a reality.” I love Disney and the cheerful, friendly environment. I’ve always watched it and thought about being apart of it for years but never had any outlet.

Currently at the age of 17, I know my time is running out and I need to make my mark as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Name: Joline LiaoAge: 12 turning 13 in AugustLocation: AustraliaHeight: 163cmWeight: 45kgI love acting. Its like a break for me something that keeps me going.Ive watched so many actress how they rise to fame, how they make their family proud. I wish to someday be like them, not because of the fame. Because its what i love doing, since i was 4 i would pretend to be someone other then myself. Dress up as other people and act out sometimes i would even steal dialogues from movies and try them out myself.It would be my biggest dream to be able to one day work for Disney. Ive watched disney pretty much my whole life, watching as the actors and actresses went up and up in their career.

I too hope that one day i can be the same.I do drama classes and i don’t mind preforming in front of people. Im brave and have a bubbly personality, i love meeting new people. I learn lines quickly and love practising.