Rfhutil Download Windows

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Rfhutil Download For Windows 10

From the page:It allows test messages to be capturedand stored in files, and then used todrive WBI Message Broker Version 7applications. Output messages can alsobe read and displayed in a variety offormats. The formats include two typesof XML as well as matched against aCOBOL copybook. Coolsat serial download manager. The data can be inEBCDIC or ASCII. An RFH2 header can beadded to the message before themessage is sent.WebSphere MQ messages can contain a Rules and Formatting Header or RFH for short. The RFHUtil (and it's client-based companion RFHUtilc) allow for a wide variety of message manipulation with and without these headers. Because the headers are used extensively by WebSphere Message Broker and for v6 Pub/Sub the utility provides a convenient way to perform ad-hoc testing of message flows, publications and subscriptions.

Rfhutil Download Windows 7

It also allows the loading and unloading of queues to files or files to queues, for example to perform regression testing against a known workload.